It’s very important to prioritize care of yourself during this recovery phase. Give yourself the time to recover, ask for support from friends and family, and be intentional about self-care.
These are some tips to aid in your physical recovery:
Take your pain medicines as prescribed, especially as opioids; if you if you make a mistake with the prescribed regime, you risk opioid withdrawal symptoms.
Get plenty of rest. Sleep is necessary piece to physical recovery because your body goes into recovery mode. Sometimes new mamas want to put their newborn above their own physical recovery, but it’s important to remember you cannot pour from an empty cup. You have to fill your cup first.
Massage your C-section scar. Massaging your scar daily can help in recovery. Working with your nurse or physiotherapist to learn an effective way to massage your scar.
Move gently, carefully, and intentionally. It can be helpful for you to hug a pillow if you have to cough or sneeze. If you’re moving from a chair to standing position, you can place a hand over your incision. If you’re trying to get out of bed, roll like a log and then push up with your top arm.
It’s important to take your time with your recovery after a cesarean birth. Taking the time to heal now will be beneficial for your future physical activity!